Motivation to write blog 2024

Daniel Lazar
May 14, 2024 22:20

Is having your own blog still worth it? Getting information has never been easier with trained models. AI needs to be trained, right? We serve AI, and all our posts are used to train one big brain that will serve us back. Yeah, I’m just kidding. I am not a slave to AI, and I do have different motivations. Let’s find out what they are.

My Work Documentation

I am 32 years old, so my career should continue for another 30-40 years. Well, I am in tech where things move forward too fast. My own blog is a great space where I can keep a history of my work. I am really looking forward to checking this when I’m a grandpa. During my 8 years in the tech industry, I have needed to express myself, so what will be the result of this over a period five times longer? I’m really curious. Let’s find out.

Payback Time

You know, the tech community is crazy. I have always been impressed by why people are still full of energy to write their ideas, tutorials, and knowledge for others. Those people gave me the opportunity to find information on how to start working with some technology, or often my decision on what technology to choose was influenced by someone who compared two or more different technologies for one problem. So, it is payback time. Maybe there is another person like me who recently started programming or in tech in general, and maybe I will have a chance to influence him/her.

Work Quality

People, in general, can be lazy, so if there is some small project done just for you, there isn’t a focus on details like great files, video tutorials, pictures, etc. But when I am releasing some piece of code to the community, I always find that I improve in two fields:

  • Code quality - I don’t want to look bad, so I focus on writing better code. Also, if there is some feature in my mind, I always implement it simply because my mindset is to impress people.
  • Documentation quality - Once a project needs to be released to the open-source community, you are naturally forced to document it better because you want to explain it to someone else and you want to share a nice experience. In the end, it is you who will appreciate it the most since you document every step nicely instead of missing something because you did it. Of course, it is a waste of time to spend time documenting it nicely only for yourself. Believe me, always document like you want to share it with others despite doing it only for yourself. Time flies, and you will appreciate it in the future.

Get Rid of Thinking About Writting Own Blog

Finally, I did it. I mean, I had like a two-year period where I was thinking about writing my own blog. What technology will I use? How will it look? What features will I implement? Ahhhhh, so much time wasted in the end. Of course, thinking over your project is always good, but yeah, it is finally here, and I have my sandbox where I can express myself and maybe somebody will read it.

Say hello to community

Yeah, I want to get some audience, find people like me. We never know; the world is huge, and staying in the shadows will not help me connect with others who share the same values. Also, I would like to validate if my ideas are useful.